About Glade Cemetery

The Glade Cemetery, property of the Glade United Church of Christ, was established in 1750, when the Glade Church was founded. It is located on Glade Road, one and half miles on the outskirts of Walkersville, MD where the original Glade Church was built.

Glade Cemetery Board of Trustees

The care and operations of the Cemetery is the responsibility of the Glade Cemetery Board of Trustees. The Consistory appoints a five (5) member Board of Trustees; each member serves a five-year term.

The Board of Trustees are:

  • President – Ralph Whitmore
  • Vice President – Ron Rough
  • Secretary – Mary Scheele
  • Treasurer – Richard Gilbert
  • Assistant Treasurer – John Zimmerman, Jr.

The Glade Cemetery is cleaned annually on the last Saturday in March to prepare for the mowing season. All flowers and containers are to be removed by March 15th of each year. Any items left will be removed during the annual clean up day.

To schedule an appointment or to learn more about the services we offer and general cost and procedures associated with traditional burials and cremation interments, please contact Ron Rough, 301 639-3834. Lots are available to the Glade UCC members as well as the public.

Hours of Operation are: Open daily from 7:00 a.m. to dusk.

Glade Church