Enough for Today

Enough for Today

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

November 8, 2023

Enough for Today

Vicki Kemper

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” – Matthew 6:34 (NRSVUE)

Privileged person that I am, hopeful person that I am, person of faith that I am, I used to hate this verse. Today is not about trouble, I insisted. Why would Jesus even say that? Today is a gift! Every day is a gift!

Easy for me to say.

But for some folks, today is a bottomless trunk overflowing with troubles, much like yesterday and the day before. And tomorrow doesn’t look much better.

Gratitude and mindfulness can be soul-nourishing spiritual practices. But to not think about what’s coming because today is too overwhelming? Because we’re not sure we’re even going to get there? That’s the struggle for survival, which is its own kind of spiritual practice, and the people who flocked to Jesus knew it well. Many of our neighbors and siblings live it, too.

Which is probably why Jesus named it, even as he tried to draw people away from fear and worry and toward the One who feeds the birds, clothes the lilies of the field, and hears the cries of the poor.

I don’t know what your day holds, and I can’t possibly know what will be happening in Israel, Gaza, Washington, my town, my family, or my own life on this day, weeks after this was written.

All I really know—all any of us can hope to trust—is that God’s love holds it all. May that be grace enough, hope enough, and faith enough for today.


When everything seems both too much and not enough, when I am under-resourced and overwhelmed, remind me to seek first you and your love, you and your justice.



Vicki Kemper is the Pastor of First Congregational, UCC, of Amherst, Massachusetts.


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