I’m New

man with flowers

Visiting a church for the first time can be unnerving.

We know finding a church home can be a journey. Here is some information to put you at ease if your search brings you to Glade. If you don’t see an answer to your question here, please call us at 301-845-6775 or use our contact form.

Will people accept me?

Glade is a friendly congregation where guests are welcomed with open arms. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’ll be welcome here.

Do I have to say anything?

Not unless you want to. We don’t ask visitors to introduce themselves to the congregation, nor do we ask visitors to wear a special nametag or stand up and be recognized during the service.

Will I be asked to give money?

Giving comes in many forms – time, talents, and, yes, even financial resources. We are all invited to give toward God’s work in the world, but how you choose to give is between you and God.

What should I wear?

There’s no dress code at Glade UCC—come as you are, wear what you like, and be comfortable.

Where should I park?

There is a large parking lot behind our church, or, if you would like to practice your parallel parking skills, you can park along Fulton Avenue.

Is there a nursery?

We welcome children of all ages in worship, but, if you and your child need a quiet place for a few minutes, there is an unstaffed nursery where you both can check out the toys. 

Is the church accessible for those with mobility issues?

Yes. Our front door and rear parking lot door are accessible and have nearby designated parking spaces. Individuals using mobility devices have access to the sanctuary, social room, classrooms, church office, kitchen, and restrooms. Sanctuary seating is flexible allowing individuals using wheelchairs to sit within the congregation and providing additional legroom for those using crutches, walkers, braces, or casts. If you need special assistance, please ask and we will be happy to help.

What do you believe about the Bible?

We believe the Bible is an inspired human record of God’s saving actions throughout history. The Bible is a starting place for all that we say and do. It is our foundational text used to inform our own lives within this community of faith and in the world.

What sacraments do you recognize?

We recognize two sacraments—baptism and communion. We recognize one baptism through the Holy Spirit and to do not ask or require those who have had a Christian baptism to be re-baptized. Everyone is welcome to participate in communion, including children.

What can I expect in a sermon?

You will hear a message that seeks to relate scripture to everyday life, wrestling with issues of faith and encouraging all to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world. Watch a recent sermon here

What’s the music like?

We offer a blend of traditional and contemporary worship music through hymns, anthems, and instrumental pieces. But a video clip is worth a thousand words.

Glade Church