Graduate Recognition
Glade holds a graduate recognition service each year to recognize and celebrate the achievements of those within the Glade family who are graduating from high school or college.
Worship in the Park & Rally Day

In September of each year we hold our Annual Service, Rally Day & Picnic at the Walkersville Community Park. During worship we Rally our Sunday School students back for the school year, we then have a potluck style lunch to celebrate.
All Saints Day Remembrance Service
On All Saints Day, we have a special remembrance service for all our beloved members who have passed away since the last All Saints Day. We remember them by lighting a candle in their memory and reading their names. We also publish a special bulletin where we recognize all of our loved ones who have passed through the years.
Thank Offering Sunday

Each November the Women’s Guild leads us in worship as we celebrate our annual Thank Offering Sunday. The Guild invites everyone to share in this special day.